上周,LFIS初高中部共同举办了English Week英语周,通过形式多样、内容丰富、创意有趣的一系列活动让同学们使用英语、学习英语,每位学生都积极参与其中,尽情地用英语表达自己。
To celebrate English, our middle school and high school departments have teamed up to co-host English Week! During this entire week, our main objective is to focus on speaking English as much as possible. To help encourage students to participate, we have several games during the week, in addition to events like a Wacky Spelling Bee and Movie Night. It is our sincere hope students have fun, trying their best to speak English through the course of the week. We know English isn't easy-- in fact it's quite difficult-- but that doesn't mean we can't have fun!
——英语周策划 Eric老师
Name The Song(猜歌名游戏)
It's your turn(单词接龙猜猜猜)
Trivia Game(英语问题竞答)
Movie Night
观看原声电影《Black Widow》
Spelling Bee
令人期待Spelling Bee开始了,大家在进行英语单词拼写的同时还要完成每个单词后面的挑战活动,例如用不同的音调拼写单词、在拼写的时候完成不同的pose......现场热情高涨,同学们不断冒出新的idea不断尝试新的挑战。
Retaining most of their own tickets:
Leo (G7)
Sally (G9)
Robin (G9)
Bob (G10)
Daniel (G10)
Rachel (G12)
Defending the rules:
Danny (G6)
Kevin (G6)
Irving (G11)
Kevin (G11)
Celine (G12)
Spelling Bee: (拼写大赛)
The funniest team - Leo and David (G7)
The most creative team - Ashley and Billy (G8)
The quickest team - Mary and Daniel (G10)
English Week,我们有话说
English week is very good, it improves my English a lot. I hope such a wonderful event can be held several more times!
——G8 Ashley
When the first time I heard there was an English week, I thought it was very good. Usually I would say some Chinese when I don't know the word in English. However, during the English week, when you say Chinese, you will lose one ticket. It's very funny when you try hard to say any words in English.
——G6 Kevin
In the English week, I feel happy. It can help you learn more about English. And we can learn about some tradition.
——G6 Tina
The five day English week inspired me to speak English and suppress my desire to blurt out chinese. When I lost one ticket, I was sad for about two lessons.
——G9 Emma
Recently, our school held an English week. Everyone gets five tickets a day, and if they speak any other language, someone will take one ticket away. I found it so much fun that I took votes from people who spoke other languages while making sure I didn't lose them myself. I ended up with one of the top vote stealers.
——G12 Celine
English week is an activity that you can't speak other languages except English for a week. Through this activity, I realized the importance of native language and how good my English was. I hope we can continue to have fun activities like this.
——G10 Daniel
I think last week’s activity was very interesting, because I could practice my oral English. I got to experience what being in a foreign atmosphere might feel like. This activity is very meaningful and tests my English ablity.
——G11 Irving
英语周的完美落幕并不是学习的结束,而是一个更好的开端。培养优秀的双语学习者并不仅仅是一周,而是每一天,让我们共同努力,每天多学一点点!Enjoy English, Enjoy learning!