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We hope your time with us at LFIS, prepared you not just for the present but equipped you with the necessary skills you will need as you go to university and be able to adapt in a rapidly changing society.


You will cross this stage today with the next stage of your life before you…take that step forward with confidence - be courageous, be innovative, be creative and make your own impact.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank our parents. We value your tremendous support and willingness to support your child’s education in our school. This is a moment of pride for you as your child completed secondary education. This graduation is the path for many more achievements for your child.


I would also like to thank all our High School teachers for your commitment and enormous dedication to educating our students. It is a privilege and an honour for me to work with you.


Once again, congratulations Class 2022!! I am confident that you are ready for the future. May your years ahead be characterized by compassion, integrity, objectivity and willingness to take risks.May you always lead by example and work hard.It has been an honour and a privilege watching your progress and success!





三年很快,现在回头看你们也许会惊讶自己已经走了那么远。这么远的路上是充满了起伏的,我还能清楚的记得你们经常会变出一些花样,今天要把窗子贴得像鬼屋,明天谁头上出现一堆新造型,后天要把桌子扭出一些新奇的方向,每次走进教室都像开盲盒。但是你们也取得了让人欣喜的进步,从刚刚进入校园的迷茫和害羞, 说话要拿助听器才能听见,到现在面对一屋子的人也可以自信大方的发言,刚来到学校时只能写出短短几行字的作业到毕业前最后的一篇论文。

And now here you stand. After three years of forcing you to listen to me in homeroom, here we are for the final time. I am going to tell you the one thing I wish I could have told sixteen year old me,You are about to enter a world that full of choise all the time,but I hope you will always have the courage of facing those choise, In the wise words of Nelson Mendela, “may your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” When you get outside your comfort zone and make the brave choices along your life’s path, your 18 years old self will most likely be surprised at where your life ended up and maybe even a little proud. 

三年来你们一直在教室里听我说,现在也是最后一次。在你们进入这个世界之前,我要告诉你们一件我本想告诉十六岁的自己的事——你们即将进入一个复杂的世界,几乎每天的每一秒都被要求做出选择。这将是你的选择,而且只属于你。但是,我希望你们能永远保持面对这些选择的勇气。用纳尔逊·门德拉(Nelson Mendela)的名言来说,“希望你们的选择反映的是希望,而不是恐惧。”在你离开自己的舒适区,在人生道路上做出勇敢的选择时,18岁的你很可能会对你最终的成就感到惊讶,甚至有点自豪。

Before you go, I will leave you with some final words for you, “you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.” I am here to bid you farewell and wish you best of luck in your days ahead. 



Since this is your graduation, I’ll let you in on a secret: all of us teachers talk about you. A lot. Mostly good things, I promise you. But nonetheless, we speak about you.


But the way we talk about you is different than the way you might expect. You might expect a teacher to talk about your grades or your progress on your IAs – and there is some of that, of course. But you would be surprised at how much we talk about your character and your growth as a person. We might talk about how great of a leader you are in the right situation, or about how you are a compassionate person who always goes the extra step to help their classmate understand something, or perhaps we talk about how much your critical thinking and your organizational skills give you such great potential. 


Today is the day when you are, for lack of a better term, free. Today you are on your own. And that is wonderful and absolutely reason to celebrate, because we all know how much effort and dedication this took for you to get here. So to borrow an English phrase, take the moment to stop and smell the roses. Sleep in until noon, go to a music festival, become a musician and play music at a music festival. Whatever you want, enjoy this moment.  


I’ve got some awful news. Terrible, no good, downright rotten news. And that is this – school isn’t over. School is never over. Look out at all the adults in attendance today. Each one of us has had successes and failures. Each one of us is still trying to improve ourselves. Each one of us is still learning about the world and still learning about ourselves. So in that sense, school never ends. Your journey of learning and your journey of growth will never stop. 


So to finish off, I just want to say, on behalf of all the teachers here, that it has been wonderful and thrilling for us to watch all of you grow and improve and to be a small part of that journey. And not just that, it has been a joy getting to laugh with you and getting to see all the little quirks in your personality. To discover your interests, your goals, your weak moments. In so many ways, we’re proud of you. And we’re all excited to see what happens for you in the future, so please do keep in touch. To borrow another English phrase, don’t be a stranger.Congratulations, and we wish you all good luck!







I am honored and pleased to deliver this farewell speech. Today, 25th of June, is a day of joy, particularly for the graduating students and your parents. We are all here to bid farewell to our students who are leaving LFIS after successful completion of their high school.


My dear 12th class students, despite some hard tasks, sadness and grief that you have encountered in the course of your studies in the high school, at the end of it, all of you completed this part of journey with great achievements and beautiful memories.


Being tough with you at times does not mean that we hate your set, but to prepare you for a greater challenge ahead, and to nurture you to build a strong foundation for your next level. Under our guidance, you have attained this impressive milestone in your life with great honor and integrity.


On behalf of all teachers in HS, i wish to thank you for the uncommon zeal you have demonstrated towards your studies, in your relationship with the teachers, management, the junior students, and even among yourselves.


My dear students, as you leave this school, expect that some challenges await you, which of course, I strongly believe going by your ability and manner you have conducted yourselves over the years and the skills and knowledge we have imparted in you, you will surely overcome them.


At this point, I want to tell my dear outgoing students to always keep your kindness and be grateful to people you meet on your way up. Think big thoughts and be optimistic in whatever you are doing.


On behalf of the LFIS, I bid you farewell and wish you best of luck in your days ahead.



