





Activity Based Learning





Grading Standardization Workshop






In our foreign teacher workshop on Activity-Based learning, we looked at different ways to incorporate activities into classes. Activities don’t mean games, but different guided-tasks that get students engaged with the material. One of the takeaways I got from the workshop is how different activities can be used in many different ways. We looked at an example activity where the teacher told a story about walking through the jungle with five animals. We had to decide which animals we wanted to give up as we passed through the jungle and why. This activity can be used for English reading when assessing different character traits, or it can be used to use get student to practice target language points. Either way, it’s guided in a way that allows students to collaborate and make decisions, talking and discussing to draw their own conclusions through a task.



We’ve had two workshops for foreign teachers this semester. One was on how to mark students’ work and another was on activity-based learning. Both workshops were relevant and practical. Teachers brought with them their different experiences and ideas, and the workshop leaders also prepared some fun activities to keep everyone engaged. These sessions are very valuable not only for individual development but also for rapport building among teachers in the different departments.



This  workshop added  knowledge and  skills in a learning process in which the students will be able to constantly engaged  in the learning experience rather than sit as passive listeners.Supports overall development of students by  acquiring knowledge outside their educational environment and know reality.



The workshops led and presented by Stephan and Eric were both relevant to improve the teachers’ performance in the classroom. It helps the teachers in developing creativity, and learning new strategies on how to make lessons more meaningful and engaging to the students. The Standard Way of Correcting Mistakes which was discussed by Eric is a helpful guide for the teachers, on how to correct the errors of a student’s worksheet in a professional way. Through this, educators are reminded of the importance of correcting mistakes, for it helps in providing knowledge to the students, of what they need to self-correct so they don’t make those mistakes repeatedly. Although we have a different way of correcting the works of our students in the kindergarten, it’s still an opportunity to learn and be informed of other ways on how to correct mistakes which can also be useful in the future. 

The Activity-Based Learning well planned and presented by Stephan was enjoyable, and provided opportunity for the teachers to collaborate and work together as a team using a variety of materials to develop meaningful ideas. This is a fun teaching method we use in Early Childhood Education to motivate the children to participate actively. The authentic experience I had in this activity as a learner, confirms that this method is absolutely effective in teaching the students to help them retain and remember what they’ve learned.


