IBDP视觉艺术展 | 了解自己,理解世界




王柯文 《锈》


The main form of this work is derived from the embroidery work of artist Emily Botelho, and I also wanted to capture the rust that extends through life over time through embroidery. By using three different flat patterns of rust as a series, and by switching between embroidery threads, tube beads, and the blending of warm and cold colors, a certain authenticity and sense of age is created. 

该作品的灵感来源于艺术家Emily Botelho的刺绣作品,她使我也想捕捉到贯穿生命的铁锈。通过使用三种不同的平面锈迹作为系列,通过绣花线、管珠和绣花线之间的切换,冷暖配色的交融,有一定的真实感和年代感。


王柯文 《耀眼的日晷》


Inspired by artist Chris Wood's glass placement work. I brought elements of illusion glass in. I place glass of various colors in a regular pattern around the clay disc I made as a sundial. Under the illumination of light, there will be amiraculous reflection left by layers of glass, so as to explore the traces left by time.

这部作品的灵感来自艺术家Chris Wood的玻璃放置工作。我引入了幻觉玻璃的元素。我把各种颜色的玻璃按规则的图案放在我做日晷的粘土圆盘周围。在光线的照射下,会有层层玻璃留下的奇迹般的反射,从而探索时间留下的痕迹。


王柯文 《永恒与腐朽》


Inspired by A.F. Vandevorst's candle installation. I used the element of burning candles dripping wax oil. As well as the afterimages of aquatic plants I see in the water. The scene of a lotus pond is created by making stone-plastic clay and covering it with broken glass. Photograph the process of dripping wax oil. It expresses the contradiction that time can make life eternal and decaying.

这部作品的灵感来自A.F. Vandevorst的蜡烛装置。我使用了燃烧的蜡烛滴下蜡油的元素以及我在水中看到的水生植物的残影。莲花池的场景是由石塑粘土和碎玻璃覆盖而成。滴蜡油的过程表达了时间可以使生命永恒,也可以使生命腐朽的矛盾。


陈琰 《离开梦境》


Every time I dream, the world in my dreams is presented in an incomprehensible and confusing pattern. When I wake up and remember these dreams, I feel that some of them cannot be separated from the basis of reality, and that the pressure of reality is mapped onto the dreams, causing me to be unable to consolidate my negative emotions. I used my hands to pull apart the canvas to show the effect of the repressed emotions in the dream being torn apart by myself, expressing the need to release my repressed emotions. There is no need to suppress the negative emotions in your mind, release your stress and live the way you want to.



陈琰 《最初的设定》


The pressure curled up in the middle may come from the initial pressure of the parents, who set the demands at the moment of birth so that the child does not lose at the starting line. The child who feels the pressure may substitute this into his or her dreams, dreaming the daily reality of a life full of classes: tuition, studies, a life full of classes. I wanted to use this device to express those who move forward under pressure, the umbilical cord held tightly in their hands, symbolising that they are the ones in control of their own lives, not to be buried by the emotions affected by the pressure, but to be the ones in control of the very beginning of standing on top.



钱馨贤 《我的》


When you look at this work, can you see your own incomplete face? After puberty, women take their appearance more seriously and pursue it more, with rows of triangular sheets of acrylic forming a sharp outline, similar to how women who are unhappy with their appearance see themselves. Therefore, this work expresses the female appearance anxiety.



钱馨贤 《拥抱你内心的女孩》


By breaking down their barriers, women are free to shine and can be powerful against gossip. Just like the front and back sides of the work, the soft fabric is like a woman's naturally sensitive heart, but it also has a strong heart and a healthy body behind it.



钱馨贤 《我是谁?》


When women enter the society, all kinds of stereotypes still haunt women, so many women are constrained and can not do what they like. I derived this theme from two works by photographer Laura gaggero and photographer Chogiseok. Therefore, this photographic work reflects a restrained female image through the movements and gestures of the model trying to break free.



张至瑜 《兔子》


The image of bunny comes from myself. I don't have slender limbs and fair complexion in the traditional sense, and sometimes I internal friction because of anxiety. But what does possess these "disadvantages" affect? Now I step out of the anxiety that these imperfections caused me, and accept it wholeheartedly, and live with the anxiety.

兔子的形象来自于我自己。我没有传统意义上的修长的四肢和白皙的肤色,有时也会因为焦虑而产生内耗。但拥有这些 "缺点 "有什么关系呢?现在的我走出了这些不完美给我带来的焦虑,全心全意地接受它,并与焦虑共存。


张至瑜 《情感》


Influenced by the work of light by Sarah Nance, I transformed the invisible emotions into the visible cotton thread. I think everyone have different emotions coming out of their brains every day, and different colors of cotton thread represent different emotions.These emotions are created in our own brains, which have no particular color, and it is the creation of these emotions that colors our spirits.

受 Sarah Nance的灯光作品影响,我把无形的情绪转化为有形的棉线。我认为每个人每天都有不同的情绪从他们的大脑中出来,不同颜色的棉线代表不同的情绪。这些情绪是在我们自己的大脑中产生的,它没有特定的颜色,但正是这些情绪的产生给我们的精神带来了色彩。


戈筱渝 《出生》


This work is inspired by l see pictures of my childhood at home. This work shows my 1-3 years old period. The work took five days. The main form is a man without form; I tried using black and white gradients on the clay figures to create a sense of flow; It is surrounded by acrylic panels, three of which are attached with three broken mirrors and one is not attached, which is to show the inside to the audience. 

这个作品的灵感来自于我小时候在家里看到的照片。这幅作品展示的是我 1-3 岁的时期。这个作品花了我五天时间,主要的形态是没有形式的人。我尝试在泥人上使用黑白渐变来创造一种流动感。它被亚克力板包围,其中三块附着着三块破碎的镜子,一块没有附着,这是为了向观众展示内部。
